About us

Gain precise insight into your floor area with an NEN 2580 measurement report from MeetAtelier. Solve your surface area challenges today!

Why Choose MeetAtelier?

Discover what we can do for you

MeetAtelier is the largest independent specialist in the Netherlands, making the preparation of measurement reports its core activity. The combination of knowledge and experience guarantees you the best measurement report.

Our representative measurement report is prepared according to the highest quality standards: our measurement masters have a solid constructional educational level, we work daily with the NEN 2580, and we employ a strict four-eye-control system for every measurement report. Simply put, because every square meter counts.

MeetAtelier aims for an excellent price-quality ratio combined with fast delivery times. These clients have already preceded you.

Quality & Consistency

We specialize in preparing NEN 2580 measurement reports to ensure quality

Furthermore, MeetAtelier employs only qualified architectural drafters and architects, and internally, we adhere to a four-eye policy where each measurement report is always reviewed by a colleague before being provided to a client.

The floor areas in our reports are determined according to NEN 2580:2007 including amendment sheet C1:2008. If the standard does not provide clarity on a practical issue, the ‘gray areas’ are applied as defined by the Dutch association De Vierkante meter. Our approach to building measurements and the preparation of our measurement reports meets at least the requirements set out in NTA 2581.

Our Team

We are here for you

Xander Lamb
Xander Lamb

After his studies, Xander started at IGG/MeetAtelier as a BIM specialist. As one of the experts in the field of 3D Scanning, Xander has developed a new working method with which a NEN2580 measurement can be directly generated from a 3D model. You can also contact Xander for scan2BIM.

Yuk Ling Chung
Yuk Ling Chung

Yuk Ling started as a cost advisor at IGG. Within IGG/MeetAtelier, Yuk-Ling has specialized in NEN2580. In addition to being an expert, she is co-author of the handbook on digital measurement.

Jan-Maurits Schoonenberg
Jan-Maurits Schoonenberg

After studying law at the University of Amsterdam, Jan-Maurits has been working in real estate since 2000. First with residential real estate agent and developer Eugene de Graaf Conseil in the south of France and from 2004-2005 with real estate appraiser Diephuis Partners in Amsterdam. In 2005, Jan-Maurits founded MeetAtelier to focus entirely on measuring and inventorying buildings. A choice that to this day produces a nice combination between entrepreneurship and the need to present oneself as a specialist.

Arno Vonk
Arno Vonk

Arno studied Architecture and a Masters in Management in The Built Environment at Delft University of Technology, where he graduated with an honorable mention in 2003. Arno started at IGG as a planning economist in 2004 and has been director/owner of IGG and MeetAtelier since 2012.

Lidmaatschap branchevereniging

MeetAtelier is sinds 2006 aangesloten bij de Nederlandse branchevereniging van aanbieders van NEN 2580 meetrapporten, De Vierkante Meter. Jan-Maurits Schoonenberg was tussen 2007 en 2013 voorzitter van deze branchevereniging die in 2004 is opgericht. Momenteel is het voorzitterschap overgenomen door Arno Vonk.

De vereniging heeft zich ondermeer ten doel gesteld de eenduidigheid en kwaliteit van NEN 2580 meetrapporten te vergroten door middel van het vaststellen van praktijkvraagstukken en grijze gebieden in de norm. Naast het permanente lidmaatschap van de normcommissie bij het Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut in Delft, geldt de introductie van de NTA 2581 als belangrijkste wapenfeit van de vereniging. Sinds 2011 geldt deze Nederlandse Technische Afspraak (NTA) als belangrijkste kwalitatieve aanvulling op de NEN 2580 en de wijze waarop een meetrapport zou moeten worden opgesteld.

Membership in Trade Association

Since 2006, MeetAtelier has been a member of the Dutch trade association for providers of NEN 2580 measurement reports, De Vierkante Meter. Jan-Maurits Schoonenberg served as chairman of this trade association from 2007 to 2013, which was founded in 2004. Currently, the chairmanship has been taken over by Arno Vonk.

The association aims to increase the consistency and quality of NEN 2580 measurement reports by determining practical issues and gray areas in the standard. In addition to permanent membership in the standards committee at the Netherlands Standardization Institute in Delft, the introduction of NTA 2581 is considered the association’s most significant achievement. Since 2011, this Dutch Technical Agreement (NTA) has been the primary qualitative supplement to NEN 2580, defining how a measurement report should be prepared.

IGG Bouweconomie.

MeetAtelier is part of IGG Bouweconomie, and it plays a crucial role by specializing in the preparation of NEN 2580 measurements, 3D scanning, and drafting work. This specific service offering adds value to the wide range of services provided by IGG. The combined expertise of MeetAtelier and the specialized knowledge of IGG make us the specialist in the field of NEN 2580. Through this synergy, we can not only provide accurate measurements but also produce high-quality drawings, providing our clients with detailed and reliable information for their construction projects.

Due to our extensive experience and knowledge, we are also happy to advise you on efficient use of space.